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Livro Success Strategies For The Aesthetic Dental Practice

Ref: 9781850972211
Marca: Santos Publicações
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Itens inclusos: Livro Success Strategies For The Aesthetic Dental Practice
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Descrição Geral

Livro Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice


ISBN: 9781850972211
Autor: Greenwall, Linda and Jameson, Cathy
Páginas: 312
Edição: 1ª
Ano: 2012
Idioma: Inglês
Capa: Dura


Resumo: Although esthetic care has been an important part of dentistry for many decades, very few practices do as much esthetic dentistry as they would like. When faced with trying to respond to esthetic demands of existing patients and expand services to potential patient populations, most clinicians need some direction. To excel, clinicians must learn the skills of how to successfully manage and grow this segment of their practice. The purpose of this book is to provide dentists with the guidelines and strategies to make that happen. The authors detail the many key elements of success, such as establishing a strategic plan, monitoring critical factors of the practice, developing a dynamic and productive team, implementing marketing, using a treatment coordinator, and understanding how to finance and schedule esthetic dentistry. In addition, each chapter is interspersed with informative interviews with some of the most successful esthetic dental practitioners from around the world and outstanding members of their team who offer unique insights into how their teams operate and what has made their practices succeed.

Sumário: 1. Introduction
2. The Foundation: Mission, Vision, Goals
3. The Critical Factors of the Business of Dentistry
4. The Most Critical Factor: The Team
5. Internal Marketing
6. External Marketing
7. Communication Skills
8. The Business of Bleaching and Tooth Whitening
9. Treatment Planning and Diagnosis of Aesthetic Dentistry
10. Effective Case Presentation
11. Developing the Role of Treatment Coordinator
12. Financing Aesthetic Dentistry
13. Scheduling Aesthetic Dentistry
14. The Hygienists?s Role in Promoting Aesthetic Dentistry
15. The Use of Technology in Building the Aesthetic Aspect of a Dental Practice
16. Continuing Education
17. In Conclusion

Largura 21.00 cm
Altura 3.00 cm
Comprimento 28.00 cm
Peso 1300.00 g
Ficha Técnica

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Código 9781850972211
Código de barras 9781850972211
Modelo 9781850972211
Marca Santos Publicações
Itens Inclusos Livro Success Strategies For The Aesthetic Dental Practice
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Itens inclusos: Livro Success Strategies For The Aesthetic Dental Practice
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