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Techniques in Molecular Medicine

Ref: 9783642478086
Marca: Springer
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Itens inclusos: Techniques in Molecular Medicine
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Descrição Geral

Techniques in Molecular Medicine
Friedhelm Hildebrandt , Peter Igarashi

ISBN: 9783642478086
Edição: De 1999
Ano: 2014
Idioma: Inglês
Autor: Friedhelm Hildebrandt , Peter Igarashi
Páginas: 387
Encadernação: Brochura
Editora: Springer
Dimensões: 20.3 x 25.4 x 2.31 cm
Peso: 0.93 kg


Standard molecular biology techniques are used widely in biomedical re- search and have had a major impact on the understanding of physiologic processes and disease mechanisms. They also play an increasing role in mo- lecular genetic diagnosis and new therapeutic approaches. This laboratory manual is designed for researchers who need reliable pro- tocols for their laboratorywork. It provides a step by step approach to stan- dard methods of molecular biology. A wide range of topics is covered by protocols for immediate application in the laboratory. These include pur- ification, isolation, labeling, hybridization, sequencing and enzymatic mod- ification ofDNA or RNA, polymerase chain reaction, cloning, libraries, and protein techniques. The manual is based on experience with a practical course in molecular biologytechniques, which was taught bythe authors. Since most methods in molecular biology recapitulate in a test tube mechanisms that occur natu- rally in the cell, the first three chapters describe and illustrate basic mechan- isms of molecular biology. U nderstanding more about these basic mechan- isms will enable the researcher to apply techniques more specifically, based on the knowledge of their potential and limits. W e hope that users find this manual a helpful guide on their road to exciting insights.

Largura 2030.00 cm
Altura 231.00 cm
Comprimento 2540.00 cm
Peso 930.00 g
Ficha Técnica

Detalhes técnicos do produto:

Código 9783642478086
Código de barras 9783642478086
Modelo 9783642478086
Marca Springer
Itens Inclusos Techniques in Molecular Medicine
Garantia 30 dias após o recebimento do produto
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Itens inclusos: Techniques in Molecular Medicine
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